Leaving a Legacy Can Be Easier Than You Think

Did you know that there are many creative ways to support Saint Bonaventure Indian Mission and School? In addition to supporting our mission to Navajo children and families, many of these ways can also help you.
Some of these ways can provide tax benefits, even if you don’t itemize charitable gifts on your tax return. Others can provide you (and/or others you care about) with income for life. You may even make a gift of startling significance with minimal out-of-pocket expense to you. There are even ways to include Saint Bonaventure Indian Mission and School in your estate plans that can also benefit family members.
Please click on the links at the top of this page — Simple Gifts; Gifts with Income; More Ways to Give — to see the many opportunities that are available to you. In the section, Additional Resources, there are also specific details that may be helpful to you in planning your gift.
Please take a few moments to explore the many options that are available to you to help in ways you never thought possible.
After first providing for the needs of family, friends and other loved ones, growing numbers of people are arranging long-range gifts in their wills or other estate plans. Whether you are single, married, retired or planning for retirement, your future and the future of those you care about will be influenced by the plans you make today.
Already included us in your estate plans?